Transcription Date: 06/24/04Transcription Date: 06/24/04
Interviewer: Oh I like that one. The first interview round we did, not everything taped so well. So after that one I went to Radioshack and got a microphone and it picks everything up a lot better
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Abigail childAbigail child
Globe among others. Child studied History & Literature at Radcliffe College and graduated with a mfa from Yale University School of the Arts
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Kirkwood History Project Interview of Lamar Feagans Interview number: 16a interviewer: lr, rm transcription date: 04/06/2004 Transcribed by: ab reviewed and edited by: lf review date: 01/15/2005 Interviewer 1Kirkwood History Project Interview of Lamar Feagans Interview number: 16a interviewer: lr, rm transcription date: 04/06/2004 Transcribed by: ab reviewed and edited by: lf review date: 01/15/2005 Interviewer 1
Interviewer 1: Tell us your association with Kirkwood. How long since you lived here?
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Top-selling writers and brilliant newcomers, from one of the hottest on-line sf magazines, edited by a New York Times bestselling authorTop-selling writers and brilliant newcomers, from one of the hottest on-line sf magazines, edited by a New York Times bestselling author
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental
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The Story of Harriet Tubman Freedom TrainThe Story of Harriet Tubman Freedom Train
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Exploration and Empire 1-7Exploration and Empire 1-7
Starting around 1400, European kingdoms sailed away from shore to find, explore, and claim new land and to rob, convert, and enslave new people. The Age of Exploration?
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City 250: some articlesCity 250: some articles
Good-Bye to the Horse: The Transition from Horse-Related to Automobile-Related Businesses in an Urban Landscape
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Coordinating conjunction joining independent clauses Coordinating conjunctionsCoordinating conjunction joining independent clauses Coordinating conjunctions
Dependent clause – a group of words that has both a subject and a verb but (unlike an independent clause) cannot stand alone as a sentence
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This Learning Packet has two parts: (1) text to read and (2) questions to answer
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2007 nfb national Convention: Atlanta Marriott Marquis a walking Tour of the 2007 Exhibit Hall on the International Level room overview2007 nfb national Convention: Atlanta Marriott Marquis a walking Tour of the 2007 Exhibit Hall on the International Level room overview
Actually all but one is a rectangle, but the information book calls them squares so we will too.) There are four north-south aisles (including the two outer and two inner aisles) and three east-west aisles
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U. S. Department of Agriculture Forest ServiceU. S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (esa) of 1973, as amended, (16 U. S. C. 1531 et seq.), began in February 1999. The presence of endangered bats on the Bankhead National Forest were confirmed in the winter of 1999 and 2000 in Armstrong and
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Curriculum Vitae Floyd Morgan HammackCurriculum Vitae Floyd Morgan Hammack
Dissertation: "SystemEnvironment Relations in Schools: a study of Secondary School Guidance," Department of Sociology, Florida State University, 1973. Sponsor: Dr. Robert E. Herriott
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At Home and in the Field The Newsletter of The Society for Women and the Civil WarAt Home and in the Field The Newsletter of The Society for Women and the Civil War
Thanks to those members who renewed their memberships! Welcome to all new members! Remember, an swcw membership makes a great gift all year round!
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The Spirit of Narcotics AnonymousThe Spirit of Narcotics Anonymous
Pledge, Preface or Introduction of this book. Any reproduction by individuals or organizations outside the Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous is prohibited. Any reproduction of this document for personal or corporate monetary gain is
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Trip Report panama, Canopy Tower and Lodge April 16 28, 2010 Disclaimer: This report is as accurate as possible using limited notes taken in the field; any errors regarding species seen at specific sites are unintentionalTrip Report panama, Canopy Tower and Lodge April 16 28, 2010 Disclaimer: This report is as accurate as possible using limited notes taken in the field; any errors regarding species seen at specific sites are unintentional
Disclaimer: This report is as accurate as possible using limited notes taken in the field; any errors regarding species seen at specific sites are unintentional
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